Weekly updates:

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Weekly updates

Our mates at Apple have unveiled the details of their most exciting to date iOS update – iOS 7. Featuring an entirely new, refined and very good-looking interface. Redesigned with the subtle motion, a dreamy colour palate and functional layers that seem to really come alive.

New features will include multi-tasking apps, Control & Notification Centres being more flexible and easier to update, iTunes radio, real-time camera filter apps (get excited, you Instagrammer!), integration of Siri with Twitter and Wikipedia (how reliable!), new AirDrop and possibly the most important – an animated weather app!

Usually when it comes to any software update, Facebook layout or iPhone interface, everyone whines and complains about how they’re not used to it. But with the looks of this one it seems no one will be begging for anything less. In fact, I’d say all iPhone users will be counting down the days for this one.

It’ll be available for free download later this year.