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The dude that started Ship Your Enemies Glitter did an epic AMA

And he really is as big of a dick as you think (he said so himself!)

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If you’ve been to any of Melbourne’s camping festivals, you’re probably already aware how painstaking it is to get glitter out of anything (yet how easily it gets into basically everything), so as delightful as it might sound, glitter is definitely one of the most irritating substances known to man. Having said that, you may recall a sweet little online service launching this year that promised to get revenge on your worst enemies by shipping them an envelope of glitter. Pure evil, really.

Welp, the dude that came up with the whole sordid idea has done a Reddit AMA (an epic 6+ hour AMA, I might add) and answered a shitload of Redditor questions—it’s obvious this guy enjoys torture to a certain degree. Self-described idiot (and “fucking dick”) Mat created Ship Your Enemies Glitter during one particularly frustrated afternoon, sold it for a heap of money, and is now continuing to piss people off by launching another project, Where is MH370?, which is a search and find colouring book based on the exact aviation tragedy you’re thinking of.

Expectedly the AMA is pretty comprehensive, but we’ve chosen our favourite Q&As in the gallery above. Or, if you too are a glutton for punishment, scroll through the entire exchange here.

Images via Flickr

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